tylersticka’s avatartylersticka’s Twitter Archive

16,042 tweets


  1. Taking a break for the same reasons as everyone else. I’m on #Mastodon: mastodon.social/@tylersticka And my personal site has RSS and JSON feeds: tylersticka.com/ Hope to see you there!
  2. Honest question for young people who interpret 👍 and ❤️ emoji as passive-aggressive: Do you avoid using those same symbols in interfaces (social/messaging app reactions, for example) where they’re a built-in option?
  3. It’s hard to believe, but @CloudFour turned fifteen years old this week! 🎂 Our co-founder @aileen_jeffries shared this fun look back at our history (I helped make the timeline) cloudfour.com/thinks/cloud-four-turns-fifteen/
  4. Web designers: “Let’s deprecate that orange button style, it doesn’t meet WCAG contrast requirements.” Print designers: “White text on light gray, let’s gooooo”
  5. He grew up too fast, what happened
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. It always surprises me when I see “design systems” that exist only in design files or only in front-end component libraries. It probably shouldn’t: It’s way faster to start something in a silo. But seeing design choices transcend disciplines is kind of my favorite part?
  7. I stopped designing for specific device widths about a decade ago thanks to talks and articles from @LukeW and @grigs. Maybe Apple’s iPhone 14 resolutions will inspire similar change? polypane.app/blog/thanks-i-phone-14-designing-for-device-sizes-is-dead/
  8. It’s been five years since I started using CSS Grid and I still confuse auto-fit and auto-fill 100% of the time.
  9. I had a lot of fun making the illustrations for @spaceninja’s latest @CloudFour article using CSS and 3D transforms 👀 cloudfour.com/thinks/the-power-of-css-blend-modes/
  10. Shipped some important design and dev updates to the @CloudFour site today! 🚀 cloudfour.com/thinks/2022-update/
  11. Today I learned that svg { overflow: visible } is a thing. Yowza! 🤯 (Oh yeah, the blog post is good, too) @zachleat/1553141790894596097
  12. I’ve written more than 60 articles for @CloudFour since 2013, but I’ve probably designed even more article feature images in that time. I thought it might be fun to share my five favorites (so far) in chronological order.
  13. I recently reorganized my comic books, here’s me nerding out about that: tylersticka.com/journal/organizing-comics/
  14. Made a “rubber button” for fun this morning in @CodePen using only HTML, CSS and SVG (no JavaScript). Works in Chrome, Edge and Firefox. codepen.io/tylersticka/pen/MWVbdzo?editors=1100
  15. I don’t have any compelling web design thoughts to share today, so here’s a photo of the puppy we adopted a few months ago. His name is Buster and he is a very good boy.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API


  1. Every team project I've ever felt proud of has been the result of collaborators fearlessly stretching beyond the traditional limits of their focus area. Designers who care about performance, developers who care about UX, writers who care about database architecture, etc.
  2. Just for fun, I wrote some imaginary CSS snippets! My fellow @CloudFour designers helped illustrate. Maybe these will be real someday? cloudfour.com/thinks/some-imaginary-css/
  3. Yay! My little design contribution was implemented and merged into @gulpjs CLI: github.com/gulpjs/gulp-cli/pull/50
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. "Sure, gestures are sexy. [...] But buttons are discoverable." ignorethecode.net/blog/2012/09/02/buttons/
  5. I made this JS plugin so that @LukeW’s hide/show password pattern would be easier to add to mobile web apps: blog.cloudfour.com/hide-show-passwords-plugin/
  6. I’m honored to introduce the @Colorpeek extension for @googlechrome on one of my favorite blogs, @Real_CSS_Tricks: css-tricks.com/colorpeek-simple-way-see-share-css-colors/

I’ve retweeted other tweets 2,029 times (12.6%)

Most Retweeted

  1. grigs 114 retweets
  2. peterwooley 52 retweets
  3. Real_CSS_Tricks 40 retweets
  4. u2elan 39 retweets
  5. powersurf 31 retweets
  6. SaraSoueidan 30 retweets
  7. tedikuma 30 retweets
  8. playramps 30 retweets
  9. sarah_edo 29 retweets
  10. brad_frost 28 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. HaulPebert 3 retweets
  2. LeaVerou 2 retweets
  3. eleven_ty 1 retweet
  4. _gerardo 1 retweet
  5. davatron5000 1 retweet
  6. SaraSoueidan 1 retweet
  7. chriscoyier 1 retweet
  8. argyleink 1 retweet

Replies and Mentions

30.3% of my tweets are replies (×4,858)

Most Replies To

  1. peterwooley 433 replies
  2. tedikuma 194 replies
  3. brampitoyo 134 replies
  4. powersurf 129 replies
  5. caseorganic 76 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. davatron5000 2 replies
  2. philriehl 1 reply
  3. claviska 1 reply
  4. tkadlec 1 reply
  5. alexlande 1 reply

I’ve sent someone a mention 167 times (1.0%)

34.5% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (1,221 of 3,537)

100.0% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (9 of 9)

Top Domains

  1. ift.tt 384 tweets
  2. cloudfour.com 215 tweets
  3. twitter.com 209 tweets
  4. j.mp 137 tweets
  5. tylersticka.com 134 tweets
  6. feedly.com 87 tweets
  7. youtube.com 83 tweets
  8. sticka.us 77 tweets
  9. github.com 72 tweets
  10. bit.ly 69 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. ift.tt 384 tweets
  2. twitter.com 208 tweets
  3. j.mp 137 tweets
  4. cloudfour.com 132 tweets
  5. tylersticka.com 109 tweets
  6. feedly.com 87 tweets
  7. www.youtube.com 81 tweets
  8. blog.cloudfour.com 81 tweets
  9. sticka.us 77 tweets
  10. bit.ly 69 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 2,080 retweets and ❤️ 7,880 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😊 used 67 times on 67 tweets
  2. 😅 used 53 times on 53 tweets
  3. ❤️ used 46 times on 46 tweets
  4. 👍 used 30 times on 30 tweets
  5. 👏 used 29 times on 29 tweets

249 unique emoji on 842 tweets (6.0% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. makeart2018 used 357 times
  2. fanart used 115 times
  3. inktober used 109 times
  4. fb used 109 times
  5. wordcampdx used 78 times

1,974 hashtags on 1,973 tweets (14.1% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. h_ll used 12 times
  2. a_s used 3 times
  3. l_st used 3 times
  4. b_llshit used 2 times
  5. d_mn used 2 times

28 swear words on 28 tweets (0.2% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets