tylersticka’s avatartylersticka’s Twitter Archive—№ 15,195

        1. …in reply to @brad_frost
          @brad_frost We used it in a few projects at @CloudFour. While we aren't against the pattern, we haven't used it in a while. One reason is readability: Placeholders are usually low contrast, and floating labels are usually small in font-size.
      1. …in reply to @tylersticka
        @brad_frost Another reason is that contributors seemed to overuse the pattern when it was available. They might have a search input with a label of "Search" and example text like "Keyword or part number." The latter would be a great placeholder value, but instead they'd add hint text after.
    1. …in reply to @tylersticka
      @brad_frost We also found that sometimes forms would get harder to scan if some fields were filled (with labels floating) and others weren't. A good example was when autofill was used: All of a sudden a mish-mash of fields had floating labels, creating inconsistent reading lines.
  1. …in reply to @tylersticka
    @brad_frost To be clear, I think we still consider the technique a potential tool in our toolbox. The simple forms on cloudfour.com use it, and I think they work well for that. YMMV, y'know?