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  1. I impulsively bought all three Head Lopper graphic novels (signed with remarque!😱) from @laserwolfattack a week or two ago based on my admiration of @andrew_maclean's art. I'm two volumes in as of last evening, and I am ✨adoring✨ this comic.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @tylersticka
      The first volume was really good. I got some Hellboy vibes from its protagonist, Norgal, but the book really has a style all its own that defies the conventions of a typical "fantasy" tale. But volume two kicked it up a notch significantly!
      1. …in reply to @tylersticka
        I don't want to spoil any of the moments I audibly reacted to in that volume, but it's probably my favorite independent comic in quite some time. The bundle I bought is still available! Highly recommended! laserwolfattack.com/collections/books/products/head-lopper-tpb-bundle