tylersticka’s avatartylersticka’s Twitter Archive—№ 15,994

    1. It’s been more than nine years since I published a big ol’ spreadsheet of recurring patterns across a bunch of frameworks: cloudfour.com/thinks/common-patterns/ I’ve long since abandoned that resource, but it’s fun to see more modern versions… (1/4)
  1. …in reply to @tylersticka
    The Component Gallery by @iainmbean groups various components in a clean, readable way: component.gallery/components (h/t @HaulPebert @spaceninja) (2/4)
    1. …in reply to @tylersticka
      And the Component Encyclopedia by @storybookjs includes screenshots and a lot more examples. The result is a bit more cacophonous but also really useful: storybook.js.org/showcase (h/t @HaulPebert @grigs) (3/4)
      1. …in reply to @tylersticka
        Sometimes it’s sad when a thing you make becomes obsolete. But I never had passion for maintaining a spreadsheet and I couldn’t sustain interest in designing and building a successor. Now I don’t have to! 🎉 (4/4)