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A list of popular tweets by retweets and favorites.

  1. Every team project I've ever felt proud of has been the result of collaborators fearlessly stretching beyond the traditional limits of their focus area. Designers who care about performance, developers who care about UX, writers who care about database architecture, etc.
  2. Just for fun, I wrote some imaginary CSS snippets! My fellow @CloudFour designers helped illustrate. Maybe these will be real someday? cloudfour.com/thinks/some-imaginary-css/
  3. Yay! My little design contribution was implemented and merged into @gulpjs CLI: github.com/gulpjs/gulp-cli/pull/50
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. "Sure, gestures are sexy. [...] But buttons are discoverable." ignorethecode.net/blog/2012/09/02/buttons/
  5. I made this JS plugin so that @LukeW’s hide/show password pattern would be easier to add to mobile web apps: blog.cloudfour.com/hide-show-passwords-plugin/
  6. I’m honored to introduce the @Colorpeek extension for @googlechrome on one of my favorite blogs, @Real_CSS_Tricks: css-tricks.com/colorpeek-simple-way-see-share-css-colors/
  7. Tip for artists attempting to draw flattering portraits or caricatures: Avoid outlining teeth. Our brains will fill in those gaps!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  8. Years ago @grigs pointed out to me that the W3C’s Priority of Constituencies applied to more than HTML, and now I think about it pretty much all the time. #makeart2018 #webdesign ift.tt/2PX0skJ
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  9. My latest @CloudFour post explains why you _definitely_ shouldn't use icon fonts anymore: blog.cloudfour.com/seriously-dont-use-icon-fonts/
  10. Why our team at @CloudFour is looking forward to using @SassCSS again… ✍️ cloudfour.com/thinks/feeling-sassy-again/
  11. Video of my @CascadiaJS talk, "SVG: So Very Good," is now available for your viewing pleasure 🍿 youtube.com/watch?v=xLR_1Ud_FwM
  12. When I’m out of ideas, it’s usually a sign I need to vary the information I’m receiving. Read a book instead of playing a game, listen to a record I’ve never heard before, walk a slightly different route to the office.
  13. Two pretty-good techniques I've been using lately to style tricky form elements: blog.cloudfour.com/styling-form-elements/
  14. A simple technique for cropping image thumbnails in the browser using SVG cloudfour.com/thinks/cropping-image-thumbnails-with-svg/
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  15. The life of a designer encapsulated in a single GIF: imgur.com/mMaWbSH (via @megnotarte)
  16. Tanooki Mario takes to the skies! #sketch_dailies @Sketch_Dailies
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  17. I'm going to gush for a moment about how much I love this book. @grigs demystifies Progressive Web Apps beautifully and concisely, with a focus on UX opportunities and strategic wins. Designers, managers, business owners: This is your intro to PWAs! 📗 abookapart.com/products/progressive-web-apps
  18. Inspired/informed by folks like @rachelandrew @jensimmons and @chrishouse83, I finally put CSS Grid Layout to use 📏 cloudfour.com/thinks/first-css-grid-layout/
  19. "Mobile," "tablet" and "desktop" are not widths. @baym/1015086438277435392
  20. I’ve been re-reading the original Busiek/Bagley run of Thunderbolts. That first issue blew my mind when I was a kid! #makeart2018 ift.tt/2FdcPV0
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  21. Good morning! 🌞 I just redesigned my personal website. 🚀 I hope you like it! 🤞 tylersticka.com/